Golf Outing

Announcing Our Annual Golf Outing Starting in 2024!

Northern Illinois Wrestling


We are thrilled to announce an exciting opportunity to bring together the Northern Illinois wrestling community in a fun and engaging event - our Annual Golf Outing!

Why a Golf Outing, you may ask? Well, aside from being a fantastic way to spend a day outdoors, golfing provides a relaxed atmosphere conducive to meaningful conversations and camaraderie. It’s a chance for us to unwind, enjoy some friendly competition, and celebrate our shared love for wrestling in a different setting.

The success of this event depends on YOU – the enthusiastic members of our wrestling community.

We want to gauge your interest and preferences to ensure we plan an outing that accommodates as many of you as possible. Therefore, we invite you to register your interest by providing us with your email address. By doing so, you’ll stay updated on the latest developments regarding the event, including potential dates, venue details, and registration information.

Whether you’re a seasoned golfer or a novice eager to learn, this event welcomes participants of all skill levels. It’s not about the scorecard; it’s about coming together as a community, enjoying a day of leisure, and creating lasting memories.

We envision our Annual Golf Outing as more than just a day on the course; it’s an opportunity to strengthen the fabric of our Northern Illinois wrestling family.

To register your interest and join us in this exciting venture, simply fill out the form below. 

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